Upper Thames Group of Churches

St Sampson's, Cricklade
Holy Cross, Ashton Keynes
St John's, Latton
All Saints', Leigh

Contact Us

Upper Thames Prayer Meetings

Monday Morning Prayers on Zoom

If you find it difficult to get out of the house, there is a regular Zoom Prayer Meeting at 9am on Mondays. Please see the latest newsletter on the homepage for the meeting link.

Thursday Morning Prayers

There is a regular prayer meeting on Thursdays at 8.30am in St Sampson's Church for prayer and coffee hosted by Shirley Danby. There are about 7 - 10 of us in number; we meet at 8.30am to enjoy coffee and the Iona Community's  'Wee Worship Book', and finish by 9.30am. Everyone is most welcome. Do join us.

Upper Thames Matters Prayer Meeting

On the first Monday of the month between 7.30pm - 8.30pm we meet at the vicarage (14 Bath Road, Cricklade) to pray for our local communities and concerns further afield. All welcome.

Silent Prayer Group

On the third Monday of the month between 7.30pm - 8.30pm we meet at the vicarage for silent prayer.


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