We share God's love in many diverse ways:
In the local community
- Face-to-face and online prayer groups pray for local people and those from further afield as well
- Working through Churches Together, we run projects and community events and publish the Cricklade Chronicle to be delivered to every home
- Giving donations for the local Foodbank and Filling Station
By supporting international mission:
- Raising awareness and fundraising for the work of Christian organisations such as Christian Aid
- Fundraising in response to emergencies across the world
- Collecting money for U.S.P.G. (United Society Partnership in the Gospel) in elephant-shaped money boxes
- Supporting projects run by E3 and Compassion UK - visit our Global Mission webpage for more information on these two charities
Our teams help make it happen:
- The Parochial Church Councils meet regularly to discuss all aspects of church life
- Better Together - all our church councils meet once every 6 months to ensure that we are working well and efficiently as a whole benefice, sharing expertise and resources.