Our churches are all funded by donations from their congregations and the wider community. We are very grateful for the support we receive. Without these gifts, we would not be able to continue.
St Sampson’s Church is a member of the Parish Giving Scheme, a country-wide scheme which has been entered into by the Bristol Diocese. It provides our Treasurer, Adina Grace, with the ability to anticipate a more regular flow of income through the year as Gift Aid is returned to the church monthly, giving greater control over the annual budget covering the day-to-day running costs for the Parish.
You may have seen a presentation by Adina and Katy Bell explaining how the scheme works, what it involves for those wishing to participate, including setting up Direct Debits, what will happen to existing methods of contributing, etc. If not, then please do ask them about it. You need a form (available from Katy or Adina) to set up your Direct Debit/Gift Aid.
As the PCC considers this an improved way of giving, it is hoped that those who do not currently participate in any of the current schemes may find this a practical way of supporting the work and expenses of our Parish.
The Envelope Giving Scheme is still available, but the new Scheme detailed above reduces paperwork and makes budgeting and reclaiming Gift Aid far easier.
Give to make mission happen
A share of the money donated to our churches by the congregations and friends, goes to the Diocese to make mission happen in parishes and schools in deprived areas. Watch the videos at http://www.bristol.anglican.org/2013/make-mission-happen/ to discover how we are playing a part in church growth in our Diocese.
Prayer is a crucial way of supporting our churches. You can find out more about how you can pray for us and we can pray for you in our prayer section.